CIJA Annual Reports
All of CIJA’s funding is project specific. Since its establishment, CIJA has received 81 grants from thirteen donors. Every year CIJA’s finances are thoroughly reviewed by external auditors, including those appointed by donors. CIJA has passed 95 external audits, undertaken by independent auditors. CIJA is proud of its record in handling the funds entrusted to it and grateful for its donors’ continued support.
Annual Report - 2023-2024
The 2023-2024 Annual Report charts CIJA’s contribution to the identification, apprehension and trial of eleven Syrian Regime and Da’esh suspects and the OPCW investigative report into the use of chemical weapons by Da’esh in Marea in 2015. The report also tracks CIJA’s efforts to provide credible narratives of alleged criminality by the Syrian Regime, through the publication of three evidence-based reports as well as various media engagements and strategic initiatives. The 2023-2024 investigative cycle in Syria was funded by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, and the US Department of State.
Annual Report - 2022-2023
CIJA’s 2022-2023 Annual Report narrates CIJAs contribution to an undoubted acceleration and deepening of judicial proceedings against Syrian Regime members and their militias as well as Da’esh and other terrorist-designated groups, for the unimaginable suffering witnessed across Syria and Iraq. The 2022–2023 investigative cycle in Syria was funded by German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Conflict, Stability and Security Fund of the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, and the Office of Global Criminal Justice of the US Department of State.
Annual Report - 2021-2022
CIJA’s 2021-2022 Annual Report showcases the organisation’s remarkable progress and achievements in furthering criminal justice efforts for core international crimes. Alongside our investigative and analytical results and critical contributions to the first verdicts against Syrian Regime officials, the report details CIJA’s four-year Myanmar investigation, which concluded successfully in March 2022. The 2021–2022 investigative cycle in Syria and Myanmar was funded by Canada, Germany, Netherlands, the UK and the USA.
Annual Report - 2020-2021
Along with a detailed outline of CIJA’s operational results during 2020-2021, the Annual Report offers a comprehensive overview of our six-year programme in Northern Iraq, which concluded successfully in March 2021. To mark the extraordinary work of CIJA’s Islamic State teams, the Annual Report shares, for the first time, summaries of key legal briefs in its collection, showcasing the wealth of evidence collected during the course of CIJA operations in Northern Iraq and Syria. The 2020 – 2021 investigative cycle in Syria and Northern Iraq was funded by Canada, Germany, the UK and the USA.
Annual Report - 2019-2020
CIJA’s Annual Report 2019 – 2020 highlights our effort to support the prosecution of members of the Syrian Regime and IS through independent investigations to collect and prevent the loss of vital evidence. The 2019-2020