News and Insights
This section provides news and insights on the CIJA.
CIJA in the News
Andalou Agency | “There is hope that those future accountability and justice processes will be happening in Syria” Nerma Jelacic spoke to Rabia Ali
Globe and Mail | Detailed interviews with "Adel", CIJA’s Chief Investigator in Syria and Bill Wiley on the opportunities to preserve evidence now available across the country
New York Times |Nerma Jelacic and Stephen Rapp spoke with Vivian Yee about the accountability choices facing Syria.
Volkskrant | [Dutch] William Wiley spoke to Remco Anderson about the role of justice in ensuring accountability for the scale of the Syrian Regime’s crimes
Financial Times | William Wiley spoke to the Financial Times about the challenges Syrians face in preserving evidence for overall accountability efforts.
TRT World | Nerma Jelacic spoke to TRT World about the importance of preserving the huge amounts of evidence that is now available, in order that it may support future accountability efforts.
Information | [Danish + English] Legal experts and human rights groups fear that documents from prisons and institutions could be compromised by the media and victims’ relatives. Uncertainty looms over a forthcoming legal reckoning.
BBC | Owen Bennet Jones spoke to Stephen Rapp, CIJA Commissioner about the prospects of Assad facing justice: "We should never say never. Milosevic, Taylor, Mladic & others thought they would escape justice & eventually countries surrendered these butchers to face justice".
Financial Times | Recognition on the importance of the ground presence of CIJA’s Syrian investigators in securing evidence of the Regime’s criminality, spanning over 50 years.
Tagesspiegel | [German] A CIJA investigator and Director of External Relations spoke with Tagesspiegel on the work to secure evidence of Regime command and control structures.
New York Times |Nerma Jelacic, Director of External Relations spoke with Mathew Mboke Bigg about the documents collected by CIJA that link Assad’s senior-most officials to the prisons and detention centres operating across the country.
The Times | Christina Lamb spoke to William Wiley on the scale of the Assad regime’s machinery of death, spanning more than 50 years.
CNN | Stephen Rapp, CIJA’s Chairperson, spoke to Bianna Golodryga on the importance of achieving justice in Syria, including through the millions of documents produced by the Regime.
William Wiley spoke to Sky News following the fall of the Syrian Regime and the flight of Assad and his senior-most officials from Syria.
The Guardian | Julian Borger and Harry Davies spoke with William Wiley, CIJA Executive Director on the justice opportunities and challenges in collecting evidence in Syria following the Regime’s fall.
The Annual Report charts CIJA’s contribution to the identification, apprehension and trial of eleven Syrian Regime and Da’esh suspects and the OPCW investigative report into the use of chemical weapons by Da’esh in Marea in 2015.
The Commission for International Justice and Accountability joins with its partners, former Iraqi team members and affected communities to commemorate the horrific attack unleashed by Da’esh against the Yezidi minority and their ancestral homeland of Sinjar, in Northern Iraq, which began ten years ago today.
Samir Ousman al-Sheihk ran the notorious Adra prison (2005-2008) before Assad appointed him Governor of Deir ez-Zor and Head of its Security Committee (2011).
Featuring interviews with Bill Wiley, Chris Engels and Stephen Rapp, part 2 of this film follows the preparation of two extra-territorial cases of Syrian Regime atrocities.
The New National coverage of the start of the French trial against high ranking Syrian officials for the detention, enforced disappearance and killing of Patrick and Mazeen Dabbagh and CIGE’s evidence collection.
As the trial against top Syrian Regime officials begins in France for their role in the detention, enforced disappearance and killing of Patrick and Mazeen Dabbagh.
AFP report on the start of the French criminal trial against high ranking Syrian officials for the detention, enforced disappearance and killing of Patrick and Mazeen Dabbagh
أصبحت تقارير لجنة العدالة الدولية والمساءلة (CIJA) متاحة للتنزيل
أصبحت تقارير لجنة العدالة الدولية و المساءلة (CIJA) المبنيّة على الأدلة، التي تفصّل الردّ الوحشي الذي انتهجه النظام السوري في مواجهة المظاهرات السلمية، متاحة للتنزيل الآن وباللغتَين العربية و الإنجليزية.
CIJA´s evidence-based reports detailing the Syrian Regime’s brutal response to the peaceful protests are now available for download in English and Arabic.