Governance Structure

Lear about the CIJA’s leadership. CIJA’s leadership is composed of its Board of Directors, a three-member Board of Commissioners, and an Advisory Panel.


Who We Are

CIJA is led by a diverse group of professionals dedicated to the furtherance of justice with extensive experience garnered as investigators, analysts and lawyers in their home countries and in the international justice system. Further CIJA expertise comes from linguistic, country and regional specialists, as well as operations, security, and evidence management support personnel with many years of experience in the field.

CIJA’s governance structure is composed of three-member Board of Directors and a six-member Board of Commissioners. The directors manage day-to-day operations, regularly consulting with the Board of Commissioners on issues of strategic direction related to investigative objectives, operational planning, strategic partnerships as well as organisational governance. They are further supported by an Advisory Panel composed of legal experts with prosecutorial, analytical and defence experience, who are responsible for ensuring the quality of CIJA’s analytical products. In addition, each year an independent expert is appointed in agreement with CIJA's donors to review a specific function of CIJA’s work: to date this has included CIJA’s investigative and evidence collection methodology, legal capacity, organisational oversight and capacity as well as potential contribution to transitional justice initiatives. Ad hoc expert bodies are put together to address specific issues that might arise from CIJA’s work, such as access to original documents.

All of CIJA’s funding is project specific. Since its establishment, CIJA has received seventy-one grants from thirteen donors. Every year CIJA’s finances are thoroughly reviewed by external auditors, including those appointed by donors. CIJA has passed 77 external audits, undertaken by independent auditors. CIJA is proud of its record in handling the funds entrusted to it and grateful for its donors’ continued support.

Board of Directors


William H. Wiley

Founder and Executive Director of CIJA

Nerma Jelacic

Director for Management and External Relations


Chris Engels

Director of Investigations and Operations



Board of Commissioners


Stephen Rapp

Larry D. Johnson


Nick Kaldas


Nawaf Obaid