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CIJA contributes to expert volume on Integrity in International Justice

CIJA’s Executive Director, Dr William H Wiley, has used his rich experience in the international criminal justice system to analyse some of the underlying reasons for poor output of investigative divisions of international courts and tribunals. In an article published in the Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher volume Integrity in International Justice, Dr Wiley examines the relationship between leadership and management of international criminal investigative bodies and their effective performance, most specifically in the context of the conduct of complex criminal investigations. 

Informed by Dr Wiley’s professional experience with the formative institutions of the era, including the ICTY, the ICTR and the ICC, the discussion considers the roots of international criminal investigative insufficiency. The chapter identifies the importance of institutional loyalty as an essential feature of an effective prosecutorial effort and demonstrates how failures of discipline serve to undermine the proper functioning of offices of the prosecutor and, most especially, their investigations divisions. Through a careful consideration of examples of successful as well as insufficient leadership witnessed at the ICTY, the ICTR and the ICC, the chapter illuminates the necessary intersection of strong leadership and professional integrity in the execution of effective international criminal investigations.  


Integrity in International Justice is part of The Nuremberg Academy Series of publications on international law and features chapters by Richard Goldstone, Brigid Inder and Karim Khan among others.

Reference: William H. Wiley, “Effective Leadership, Management and Integrity in International Criminal Investigations”, in Morten Bergsmo and Viviane E. Dittrich (editors), Integrity in International Justice, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher, Brussels, 2020

Maria Pia Grizzutiall